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Chaperone and consent – patient information

Chaperone and consent – patient information

We understand that there are various reasons why a patient may wish to be accompanied during assessment or treatment.

For example:

  • For help with interpretation from language difficulties or hearing impairment.
  • For moral support from family member, friend or carer.
  • Assistance with dressing and undressing.
  • Help in remembering details of discussions and exercises.
  • Parents needing to bring in children where no childcare is available at the appointment time.
  • Adults accompanying child patients

The practice encourages chaperones when the patient themselves requests this and for practical reasons would normally try to restrict this to one person. All patients are welcome to be accompanied/have a chaperone during an examination, procedure or treatment.

If a patient feels they would like a chaperone but do not have someone they are able to bring with them to the appointment, they should make this known prior to the appointment so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The clinic will be as flexible as possible about arranging this but occasionally an alternative appointment time may need to be considered.

Children (under the age of 16) must be accompanied by an appropriate adult (parent or guardian). Where no appropriate adult has accompanied them to the clinic, a member of the clinic staff will be present in the room during the treatment or, is not available, an alternative appointment will need to be arranged.

Further details of our full Chaperone Policy can be provided by contacting our Practice Manager.

A culture of openness between patient and therapist in actively encouraged at all times. We endeavour to provide patients with any information required about what to expect when they attend our practices and we ask for their permission to assess and treat prior to the first appointment on the written consent form.

Procedures such as manipulation, acupuncture and specific examination techniques require extra care to ensure that patients understand what they are consenting to. Informed consent to all treatment and assessment is vital and includes an explanation of pros and cons in language that patients can clearly understand. It is good practice for this to be reported in the notes.

Any treatments or examinations can be discontinued at any time if patients request this even if written consent has been given.

Patients are encouraged to maintain independence and self-care as far as is practicable, for example undressing themselves. Assistance is only given if it has been clarified that this is required.

Further details of our full Consent Policy can be provided by contacting our Practice Manager.

Essentially, we want you to feel at ease throughout your experience with us and would encourage you to speak to your therapist at any time if you are unsure about what to expect, what is happening or if you are in any distress. We are an approachable bunch so please do not hesitate to tell us how you are feeling. There are plenty of different ways we can approach a problem and we want to work with you to resolve the pain or injury you have. You are also very welcome to request an alternative therapist if you feel uncomfortable in any way – we have all experienced being more comfortable with some people than others and this is the advantage of having a team of therapists working together.

Are You A New Patient?

If you have not visited us before and have not experienced physiotherapy before you may be unsure what to expect. We’re here to help.

Please give us a call and one of our experienced team will be able to answer any questions or queries you may have.

Ready To Book An Appointment?

If you’re ready to book an appointment or have any questions please get in touch!